The 5 F’s to Festive!
- Posted on: Jul 26 2016
Holiday Marketing Made Easy
The holidays are a time of joy, peace and rest. Well at least that’s how Hollywood and hallmark portray them! For everyone whose holidays don’t resemble a Normal Rockwell painting, below is a guide for how to survive and thrive through holiday promotions. Following a few proactive steps you can keep the Grinch out and the staff grinning all season long.
Whether it is planning for New Year’s, Hanukkah or Christmas, it seems inevitable that every year come December your to-do list doubles overnight. Although recalling this list of urgent tasks may induce a sweat, transform the way you think of this annual overload as an opportunity. As hectic as holidays are, they are as equally reliable. You can look at a calendar now and decide when you need to begin holiday planning to avoid the bottleneck of projects that causes most spa’s to miss the great opportunity increased holiday business brings.
Look at dates on the calendar for the holidays at the beginning of the year, and think of these as your “facts.” These dates are the anchors for your timelines and each holiday is a ͞deadline͟ for the project. Create your holiday promotions eight weeks out and have them implemented six weeks before that holiday.
While hunting for the perfect present or juggling the influx of holiday traffic, it can be easy to forget that fundamentals start with “fun.” Seasonal promotions should be bright and cheerful and set the tone for the entire experience a client has with your spa. Start your promos with fun in mind! Think of creative ways to engage your existing clients and unique messages that will generate buzz with new patients.
Often spas looking to boost their business during the holiday rush are quick to drop their prices. Beware of these dangerous discounting waters and remember it can be difficult to get a client to pay full price if your deal is too sweet. Looking to value add before discounting. Consider adding a “free” gift with purchase or a complimentary treatment to sweeten your offer before dropping your prices.
It’s no secret that woman like to travel in packs. Whether running to powder our noses or out running errands, it’s a well-known fact that gals like to be with our pals. Incorporate “pass this gift on to a friend” into all of your seasonal promotions to double your reach. The added value to simply saying “share this with your friends” is that you are encourage referrals from a highly-qualified source. this form of referrals is that.
Did you know that it is six-seven time more expensive to gain a new patient then it is to retain one? Having annual promotions and specials has multiple benefits for your overall business plan. A new holiday treatment or package can help introduce a new procedure or treatment to your patients. Consider “bundling” options as way to educate patients about new services they may be interested in. Be careful to again avoid discounting as patients may have a difficult time paying more for a procedure than the introductory price.
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